The Foundation has agreed to allocate additional funds annually, in a discretionary fund, to be called the FRANGAPINI GRANTS.
The discretionary funds provide the Patrons, Anthony and Kerrie Clarke, access to grant money to support athletes in extraordinary situations, hardship cases, excessive travel commitments, injury and illness cases, situations unseen and so forth.
The Frangipani Grants will help support an additional number of athletes who may face adversity and/or financial setbacks which may make it difficult to fully realise their sporting achievements.
It is anticipated that up to six (6) Grants will be provided annually. The Grant value (financial contribution) will vary according to individual need and circumstances, but as a guide no more that $500 will be awarded to any one Grant recipient. The Grants will be awarded at the discretion of the Patrons.

The Frangipani Grants can be used for the following:
- to offset travel to sporting events
- camps and clinics
- to undertake high performance training programs
- tournaments and events
- to apply to gymnasium memberships
- to attend professional development
- programs and courses
- to purchase performance clothing
- to offset cost of further education and
- other costs that may be associated with the development of the athlete.
In short the money can be applied to many areas of sporting development.
Who is eligible to receive a Frangipani Grant
- Be a resident of the Central Coast Local Government Area.
- Grant recipients can be any age.
- The ability to uphold the high standards of the DONNICA CLARKE Foundation.
How to be considered for a Frangipani Grant
There is NO formal application process for the Frangipani Grants, rather, applicants are encouraged to email or send a letter to the Foundation with details of why they are in need of financial support. The email/letter MUST be succinct and factual!
Frangipani Grant Decision
Any decision to award a Frangipani Grant will reside solely with the Foundation Patrons. Any Grant decision is final and is NOT subject to appeal or otherwise. NO payments will be paid in cash. Grants will only be used to pay or reimburse approved expenses relating to the applicant’s sport. These expenses will need to be confirmed by forwarding receipts to DCF.