Welcome to our 2023 scholarship holders to the Donnica Clarke Foundation family.

We are proud to recognise and support the 23 new scholarship recipients who have been selected from an extremely talented pool of candidates – the most we have received since our first scholarship was awarded 15 years ago. These young athletes have demonstrated exceptional talent, hard work and dedication to their respective sports, and we are confident that they will go on to achieve great things in the years to come.

Thanking our #1 Scholarship holder Chris Dodd and #63 Jemma Smith who joined us to share their experiences, and to our sponsors, who have made these scholarships possible for all our athletes.

It is always a pleasure to listen to the inspiring stories of talented athletes and to learn about the moments that have had the greatest impact on their lives and to hear about the people they look up to.

Congratulations Class of 2023 

#71 Kaya Ardita Oztag/Touch Commwerx
#95 Wade Barr Triathlon Robson Civil Projects
#102 Brooke Botting Golf BK Landscapes
#103 Flynn Coventry-Searle Tennis B&K Landscapes
#104 Laura Cruikshank Powerlifting Sport Central Coast
#86 Nicholas de Vivo Tennis Robson Civil Projects
#96 Max Elliott Water Polo Robson Civil Projects
#105 Alexander Foreman Swimming Commwerx
#106 Kate Goodhand Oztag/Touch B&K Landscapes
#107 Mia Heran Martial Arts/Karate Robson Civil Projects
#108 Zoe Karipidis Football Torra
#90 Jocelyn Kelleher Rugby League Eagles
#91 Bethany Kranendonk Athletics/Long jump EEA Group
#109 Morgan Mannion Touch/Oztag Robson Civil Projects
#110 Ebony Nash Water Polo Commwerx
#94 Stella Norris Triathlon EEA Group
#111 Allanah Pitcher Athletics/RaceWalking Eagles
#99 Dylan Richardson Athletics/RaceWalking EEA Group
#101 Declan Squire Martial Arts/Karate Eagles
#100 Noah Stephenson Netball EEA Group
#93 Luke Stimson Water Polo Eagles
#112 Lilya Tatarinoff Cycling Eagles
#113 Talia Tebb Surfing EEA Group