Scholarships will be awarded at the discretion of the foundation to deserving applicants who meet the criteria and best demonstrate their aspirations to further their sporting, personal and educational development.
Applications open
Applications close
Grants can be used to offset travel to sporting events, camps and clinics; to undertake high performance training programs, tournaments and events; to cover gymnasium membership fees; to attend professional development programs and courses; to purchase performance clothing; to offset the cost of further education and other costs that may be associated with the development of the athlete.
The first installment will be paid once the successful applicant has been announced. The second installment will be made upon the foundation receiving a mid year update of the applicant’s progress.
It is anticipated that 10 (10 – 15) scholarships will be awarded. The scholarship value (financial contribution) may vary according to individual needs and circumstances.
Who is eligible to apply
To be considered for a Donnica Clarke Foundation scholarship, applicants need to meet the following criteria:
- A current resident of Central Coast Local Government Area.
- An athlete that shows the potential to become a successful competitor in their chosen field.
- Between 12 – 25 years of age.
- Ability to uphold the high standards of the foundation.
How to apply
Athletes who meet the criteria above, can apply for a Donnica Clarke Foundation scholarship by completing the scholarship application form and submitting it to the foundation as per the details on page 4 of the form prior to 31 January.
Application Process
Applicants are required to submit an official application form and information detailing why they are in need of financial support from The Donnica Clarke Foundation.
Successful Applicants
Successful applications will be expected to:
- Uphold and support the ethos, aims and philosophy of the foundation.
- Act as an ambassador to further the aims of the foundation.
- Sign the foundation athlete agreement (this agreement stipulates the operational aspects for the expenditure of funds).
Scholarship Decision
The decision will be made by the foundation selection committee. The committee comprises 3 members of the DCF Board and the DCF Patrons. The selection committee decision is final.
The details of the scholarship recipients will be made in April at the annual DCF Scholarship Presentation evening.